Strange Facts about South East Asia

There are just 75 more days till I head off to South East Asia with some of the coolest people in the world, or at least Wisconsin.  As money continues to come in from my generous facebook, twitter and real life friends and family, this trip is becoming more and more of a reality!  
This morning I was searching around the internet to find some fun facts about South East Asia.  I am sure that I will be sharing more of them on the blog in the days to come, but for today I thought  I would share this little gem.  Looks like I'll need to pack a helmet.

Fun Facts About Thailand:
There is a saying in Thailand that you don't have to worry about falling coconuts because coconuts have eyes. Since more people get killed by falling coconuts than sharks each year, they obviously don't worry about sharks either!
There you have it... Looks like I need to learn to walk with my head up looking for falling coconuts!  Time to start practicing!

Until next time...