In the Line of Fire

I like working in the Christian and Missionary Alliance. There are good people, great churches and I believe that theologically, its a sound denomination. What I really like about being a part of the Alliance, is the deep history of missions that is continued with a continued passion for covering the globe with the message of Christ.
This passion is an expensive one. The value of the US dollar continues to put a strain on the missions work through the Alliance. In an economy that is causing people to re-evaluate their giving, and causing others to stop giving all together; the mission of sending others becomes a daunting one.
This morning I came across this link that reminds me of two things:
1. The "cost" of missions is high
2. The cost of missions is worth every penny...and life given.

After reading this article and seeing this video, I am again reminded of the importance of the Christian and Missionary Alliance. But even moreso, the importance of doing our part to bring the message of Christ to the nations. What part can you play?

Sad week...

This week I lost a fellow youth worker and a friend. Nathan Loved life, Loved music, especially concerts, (I remember that he brought his new born to SonShine to have a picture with a band, I believe it was Switchfoot) Love the Word of God and loved serving young people. I am so thankful for the time that I had with him. Just this past year we took a 3 day training together through Youth Leadership. It was good to connect with him, and to hear his different thoughts on ministry. Nathan was a thinker.

As I look back on this tragic situation, I cannot help but to think about how Nathan's life was an example of Christ. The compassion he had for others was Christlike. The love that he had for others was amazing. He was always finding new ways to connect with our culuter and to share Christ with others. And, ultimatly he put his life on the line for another.

Jesus, while we were drowning in sin, gave His life so we could HAVE LIFE. Because of that sacrifice, and ONLY because of that sacrifice, we have the oportunity to have a relationship with Christ and we have the security of eternaty with Him. Have you accepted this? Do you have a relationship with Him? Nathan lived this relationship out on a daily basis, and now he is experiencing the ultimate reward, eternity in the presence of God!

Here is an article writen in the Star Tribune. Please read it to know more about who Nathan.

Thanks Nathan, for living out your relationship with Christ on a daily basis! May I do the same.

A trust fund has been set up to help support Nathan's family. You can find out more information here.