Its good being a pastor

There are two things I always dreamed of saying. The first I have been able to say often, the second is something I will say for the first time on Saturday. Exciting stuff! So... what am I talking about you ask? Here they are!:
1. "You May Be Seated"
2. "through the authority I have been given by the church of Jesus Christ ad the State of Minnesota, I now pronounce you husband and wife."

Should be a good time. I hope I don't ruin the best day of their life!


Just scored free tickets to the vikings game through Tixfortots. A great organization who gives free tickets to events for organizations who work with teens and children. Great opportunity! It will be the first time any of the 4 guys I am bringing have ever been to a Vikings game! Exciting stuff! Pictures and stories to come after the game!
(UPDATE: The tickets just happen to be in the 8th row!)

Happy New Year everyone!
ps, if you actually read this, pleae comment. I have a bet that NOBODY reads this thing! Oh well, its still fun to myself I think.

2006 in the rear view mirror

(the following is my newsletter article for our church)

What a year 2006 turned out to be! For some it was filled with good memories, for others, it was a year they would rather forget. Personally, it was an exciting year, both personally as well as with the ministry. I was able to visit two different countries which included traveling overseas for the first time. Kate and I also received the news that we will soon be parents. 2006 was a year to remember.

Plunge Ministries seems to be running at full strength. We are seeing more teens on Wednesday nights than we have ever had, between 40-50 on many nights! We are also seeing students who are making lasting and impactful, positive decisions that will not only affect them for the years to come, but that will also have eternal impact on them! Please that God for what He is doing in the lives of the students in our congregation and our communities! 2006 will be seen by several of our students as the year they received Jesus Christ as their savior!

2006 is also the year that as a ministry, we said goodbye to one of our friends. Matt Roth went to be with the Lord in June. This proved to be a trying as well as growing time for our ministry. Matt brought a smile and laugh every time he walked into the youth room. That smile will never be replaced. Matt will continue to be a part of our ministry and our lives. Please continue to pray for Matt’s family as they experiencing their first year without him. For them, 2006 has been a tough year.

This week I was reading a newsletter from Big Sandy Camp. Scott Stinson, the interim Executive Director, reminded the readers that looking back is important, but what’s most important is to continue to look forward. I like that! It’s so easy to keep our eyes on the rear view mirror and not on the road in front of us. Plunge Student Ministries, our church, and us personally all have things to be looking forward to in 2007. We don’t know what the New Year will hold, but we need to continue to move forward, seeking God for direction. I have a quote I often refer to that says, “I don’t know what the future holds, but I know who holds the future.” Isn’t it comforting to know that God, the creator of the universe, holds our future? Take courage in that today!

It is my prayer that 2007 would be a fruitful and encouraging year for you. May you take a look back at 2006 and remember the good things, see how God helped you through the tough times and being to look forward to 2007. We have done so much to build up great ministries of our church. Let’s work together to further those ministries and reach as many of our friends, family and community members as possible. 2007 has the potential to be foundational and unprecedented, but it starts with each individual. Are you willing to seek God first this New Year? To put aside personal desires or wants and follow the will of God? If so, welcome to the team! Let’s go make a difference. Not so that we can say we did it, but so that we can say, to God be the glory!

Will you pray with me, this first week of the New Year? Pray that God would lead the different ministries of our church, that the leaders of those ministries would be submissive to His leading. Pray for our congregation to be a welcoming and encouraging group of people in our communities. Pray for our communities, that many would receive Christ. Pray that we would be willing to get into our communities and share with them about Christ. This is a small list, please continue to pray for our ministries and communities throughout this new year! With prayer, we can turn these requests into praises.

This is for Jenny

Hey Jenny, this is just an idea. You can change thing however you would like. Or you can re-word it if needed. Call me if you have any questions.

Order of Service
Special Music
Scripture Reading
Wedding Challenge (Message)
Exchange of vows
Exchanging of rings
Unity Candle lighting/special music
Pronouncement of Couple

(again anything can be changed if you want)

Here are a couple suggestions for the readings. Please let me know which one(s) you choose. Thanks!
I Corinthians 13
Ephesians 3:14-19
Philippians 4:8-9
Colossians 3:12-17

Christmas came early!

Christmas came early for Kate and I! We are now the proud owners of this new camera! We are super excited about the addition, and cannot wait to start taking pictures of the NEW addition to our family in May!
We figure we might have the camera figured out by May.
Sorry to all of the people that will have their picture taken by me. I am really excited about the camera. Kate has reminded me that not everyone is as excited as I am and that I need to stop taking so many pictures, or at least look before I take the picture. Sorry to all of you. I am having fun though!
It will be a fun Christmas taking pictures of all the little ones at my parents place! Gotta love little kids!

What's attitude got to do with it?

I just started reading The Difference Maker, Making your attitude your greatest asset, by John C. Maxwell. I am only one chapter into it, but I like what I am reading! Attitude is big, huge even, but Maxwell suggests that attitude isn't everything, but he does say that it is something that can make a big difference in your life.
I especially like his first couple paragraphs. He talks about how he cannot think himself a good singer. A good attitude is HUGE, but there also needs to be talent. Its true.
Have you ever thought about your attitude, how it affects you, where it came from, what affects it, or if it really changes who you are? I guess I haven't put a ton of thought into it myself. I am excited for the rest of the book. I think that Maxwell is a great writer!

Our attitude makes ugly people attractive, but it also makes beautiful people ugly! Something to think about...


Golden Times... Just in time!

I was at Best Buy yesterday and saw a slice of heaven! Golden Tee, otherwise known as "Gabe, are you busy tonight, lets go to BW's) is now available in the Home Version! That's right, if I get this for Christmas, I can sit in my love sac and golf to my hearts content. WOW, what a great thing that would be!
Its funny that I am so into Golden Tee. Especially since I have golfed a total of 1 time in my life! I don't know what it is, but I love it! Unfortunatly, the closest game is a 30 minute drive for me. However, this weekend, I was told that there may be a machine as close as 5 minutes away! Stay tuned for updates as soon as they become available!

Sorry for the christmas wishlist, but hey, at least it is cheaper that the Wii, PS3, or 360!


I finally did it!

We finally did it! Kate and I decided that we would buy get our Christmas gift early! We decided to sponsor a Compassion International Child! We are excited about what this is going to mean! Bruno is now our child (well, you know what I mean).
Bruno is from Tanzania, which is so cool! To think that I was in his country less than two weeks ago is amazing! We are excited about getting to know him through letters and hopefully one day, getting to meet him in person! I love Tanzania, and hope to return. Only this time I am bringing Kate along!
If you are looking for something to do that changes the life of someone else, I encourage you to check out It isn't for everyone, but it just might be for you. Check it out, who knows, the person that could be changed the most, just might be you!

What does it take for a church to have peace?

I found this on and thought it was interesting. Obviosuly it is a spoof, but I think that there is some truth in it as well. Here is the article:

CINCINNATI — Rolling Hills Christian Church has spent fifty years diligently cultivating a good neighbor image, and this week they celebrated their spiritual irrelevance and moral acquiescence with a Sunday morning festival. "We get along perfectly with everybody in the community," said pastor James Doheny before climbing into the dunk tank. "Peace is our value of choice." During the celebration the mayor lauded the church for being "a friend of the entire city." "There's not one negative thing that could be said about this church, and the citizens of Cincinnati appreciate that," he said. Doheny thanked the congregation through tears, and promised to lead the church toward "fifty more years of benign accommodation." •

For what its worth....

Thinking Christmas in 90 degree weather

Call me old fashioned, call me a Minnesota boy, call me whatever you want, but it is hard to think about Christmas being just around the corner when you are sweating in 90 degree weather. Christmas needs cold weather, snow, hot apple cider and lefse!

Africa has none of the above. I don’t care that Jesus never celebrated Christmas with snow, I don’t care that much of the world celebrates Christmas without snow. Christmas without snow is like a birthday with out cake, it just isn’t the same!

That being said, I am looking forward to this years Christmas!

My time in Africa has taught me some very valuable things about who I am, who Christ is, and what’s most important in my life. I have seen a different side of the human race. I have new things to be thankful for. I have a new appreciation for life.

Christmas is about the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. It’s also the time of the year that we remind people to remember the “reason for the season.” We talk about how Christmas has been commercialized and how Christ has been removed from the “holiday season”. This is all great stuff, and we need to remember this stuff, but I think there is more.

My time here in Africa has reminded me of the importance of our relationship with Christ. Too often, we take comfort in knowing that we have eternal life with Christ, and we forget about the relationship that we have with him now! We forget about the importance of living out our relationship with Him. We forget about sharing that relationship with others.

This Christmas season I am reminded that God sent us His Son not only so that we could live with Him when we die, but that we could live with Him while we are living! God is a big God! He loves, case for, interacts with, and provides for the people of Africa just as much as He does for us! Until I was actually able to witness that myself, I did not truly understand just how big God was. He’s HUGH, He’s Sovereign, and I get to interact with Him on a daily basis. That’s what I call a Christmas Gift!

This Christmas, will you consider opening that gift? The gift of eternal life is amazing, but don’t forget about the rest of the gift. Don’t forget that our Savior, our Creator, our coming King wants to be a part of our daily living. He loves us too much to sit back and watch us live. He wants to be active in our lives. He wants to shine through us, but we need to allow Him to.

It is my prayer that your Christmas would be filled with joy and happiness. I pray that as you gather with family you would celebrate together the birth of Jesus. As you give gifts, may you bring joy to those who receive them, and may you remember the gift of life you have received through Jesus Christ. It’s not a one time gift, but one you can open each day. May God continue to shine on you as you life for Him. Merry Christmas!