In the House

Finally we are in our new home! Its great to have a place of our own! Its not the biggest house, or even the nicest house I have ever seen, but it is ours and we like it! We like the big yard (2 lots) and the location (right next to the school) but most importantly we like it because it is ours. How fun is that?
We've never owned a home before, so this is big stuff for us! Yet, when you think of it, its just stuff. We get so excited about it, and we commit ourselves to it (mortgage) but in the end, it will burn, or rot, or be torn down. This week has been a tough one for me. Lots of stuff going on that reminds me what is important. Specifically family, and my relationship with God. I have seen first hand what happens when one, or both of those things slip away from you.
So... we are excited to be in out new home. Yet at the same time we are remembering that its just a bunch of wood held together by nails. Its just stuff. I think that too often I forget that. I am so focused on getting stuff that I forget that its not coming with me.

On that note, Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
