now that's cold

And it was only -4 when I did this!  Think of what would have happened if it really would have been cold!


Sara said...

Hahaha. Okay, I get it. Good one.

Folkestad said...

what do you mean, you get it? It was so cold it froze in mid air! You don't believe me? Try it yourself tonight!

Anonymous said...

Hey i get it too

Melissa said...

I don't know what I'm supposed to get but I think that was awesome! Nice job :)

Folkestad said...

Melissa, there's nothing to get, but man is that cold!

Melissa said...

okay that's relieving :) It is in the 40's here and I am so glad I am here and not there. Too cold for me! Stay warm!

Anonymous said...

ha, i did this today, but with a coffee mug instead...this is mitch by the way my parents are willing to pay the amount due and that they still want to discuss it with me a bit more. More than likely it will be a yes from them.

Brad said...

Was that shot with your new flip cam? If so i am going to get one tonight.

Folkestad said...

yep, shot with the flip. I used a different program to edit it, but I shot it with the flip. Keep in mind, some of the quality was lost when it was compressed for the internet. It is actually better quality than that if it were on the computer, or on a DVD.
Let me know how you like it. I have the 60 minute one. Basically so I don't have to keep clearing it all the time to make room.

Anonymous said...

Did that wateer actually almost turn into snow? Wow. Try it today!!! Its what, only -679 degrees below zero! Ok. So maybe its ONLY -37 below. The way I see it. You live in MN or WI... you better like it or your gonna be unhappy lots of the time. And then your face will freeze that way. he he

God bless-

Ali said...