Quote of the day, week, month (when ever I decide to add a new one)

A Quote From Peter Drucker...

"Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things."


Anonymous said...

I just read the article, and I have to say that I feel for that family. I can't imagine what it is like to discover that your son/brother is not the person you thought him to be.

I know that if he had lived and come to Christ that he would've had salvation. Sometimes it is hard to swallow that even the murderers in the world are able to reach heaven, but we all put Jesus on the cross. But would it be hard to forgive this man? Yes. In fact, I can't even imagine what it would be like to be directly affected by this tragedy to the point where I would have the power to wield forgiveness. It's so easy to say "I forgive you" when the tragedy doesn't directly affect you, but put in the situation where you have the choice to forgive or not, that is tough. Even when you know you must forgive as God commands.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm... I accidentally posted this on the wrong one. Please refer to your previous post...