What it must be like

I just came across an article about the family of the gunman at VT. Can you imagine what they must be feeling and thinking? Can you imagine hearing about such a senseless act, then finding out it was your own brother who committed the act? I am guessing they are scared, afraid and grieving all at the same time!
Would you still be able to love your brother if you found out that he did that? Would you be able to attend a funeral in his honor? Would you be able to forgive him? Would you be able to show your face in public without being afraid for your life?
Those are all things that this family is going through right now. For the sounds of it, they are taken by as much surprise as any of us are! I can only imagine the feelings that they are having. I would even say that they are feeling as much or more pain than the families who lost loved ones! Not only did their son die, but he is also the one responsible for the death of so many others! Wow.

What could you tell the family to ease their pain? I don't know that there is a good answer to that.

God is a forgiving God, one whose love is stronger than anything that we could ever do or imagine. But do you really believe that? Do you really believe that if this wacko lived, and repented, that he would be forgiven? Would you want him to be forgiven? Thats a hard questions to ask. I want to answer "burn in Hell" but that isn't the right answer.

Wow, we were just as bad off before we encountered Christ as this guy! We may not have run around with guns and killed people, but our eternal reservations where for the same restaurant! Kinda puts things in perspective I guess. this dude needed the Lord! But so do we.
Those are sometimes hard words to take! If you want to read the article, it is here.