Back with a bang

For those that actually are still checking this thing.... might only be you Ali. Well, I am back! What better way to come back than with a BANG! I have started a new tradition at youth group to start with a super sweet drum solo. Only problem, I don't know how to play the drums. I still give it my best shot. hey, its worth a laugh or two!

Anyway, I found this great drum solo that I thought I would re-start the blog with! Trust me, it is worth watching!

More to come later this week.



Sara said...

I posted this on my blog when I found it several months ago. Hilarious!!!

Brad said...

It's about time...Anyway, I especially like the bass drum on de fust and tird beats...not dis is wrock and woll. Glad your back...not i can waste more of my day at work.