- It's 12:45 in the afternoon, the house is destroyed (toys everywhere), Caden is now napping, I am vegging out on the couch, and neither of us are dressed for the day. This has been a great Monday! Now its time to clean the house, shower, get Caden ready and head to the store to pick up some supplies for supper with friends tonight. BUT FIRST, I will procrastinate for a few more minutes with this edition of Monday Miscellaneous.
-Yesterday I didn't feel the greatest, and it showed at youth group. Man, I couldn't talk. I kept referring to the Pharisees as the Philistines. Let's just say it wasn't the greatest talk of the year. Which is too bad, cause I was really excited about it's content. It was, however, still a great night! I am still amazed the 4-square ends up being the highlight of the night.
- The billion dollar bailout confuses me. To be honest, I don't have an opinion in the whole thing. I haven't taken the time to actually think about what it means, and if it is good. I have, however, been thinking about the whole concept lately. Hundreds of billions of dollars to bail Wall-Street out of debt. That is a HUGE DEBT! A debt that couldn't ever be paid without a bail out from the US government. I have some debt, but I can't relate to the size of that financial debt. I can relate to being bailed out though! 810 Billion dollars couldn't bail me out of 1 sin in my life. Forgiveness cannot be bought, even for 810 billion dollars! Today, I am thankful that my debt has been paid, not by a government, but by God, who loves me. So much He gave His son as payment for my mess ups. Now that's a bailout I can't live without. Can you?
- At the end of this week, I am heading to a COMMUNICATE class presented by Youth Leadership. I am really looking forward to the class. You can follow me on Twitter for updates.
- That's all I can think of for now. Time to shower up and clean this house. YUCK!