Monday Miscellaneous

I am all about copying good ideas. @kurt and @Josh both do a Monday Miscellaneous post on their blogs. (Full disclosure would point out the Josh stole the idea as well). Its a good idea, so I am going to steal it. There are many things that happen that just aren't blog worthy on their own, but coupled together with all the other worthless things happening and BAM, you have a completely worthless post! I am all about that. So here I go!

Today, I'm the only person in the office today. Everyone else is out playing, and I am here answering the phone and trying to get things done. Really I don't mind, I can have my music loud. I might change my mind if the phone starts ringing off the hook. So far so good...
This weekend I took our leaders to Menomonie for a training seminar. It was good. I was dissapointed that 10 of our leaders couldn't make it to the training. It was well done and the information was very usefull and practical. Its the kind of thing that you hope you never have to use, but if you do need to, you are glad that you have had some training...
Becuase of the training, it turned out to be a good excuse to bring Caden to the farm for the weekend. Grandma and Grandpa always want to spend time with Caden, so we thought this would be a great opportunity. Katie and I enjoyed a fun Saturday afternoon and evening without Caden. We went shopping, out to eat, and just hung out. It was GREAT... until the phone rang at 12:30am. Katie's parents had just gotten back from the ER with Caden. No big deal, he just was having troubles breathing... WHAT! Thankfully he is doing better now. Katie will be picking him up this afternoon and they have an appointment later today in St. Croix. Here's to hoping the ER bill doesn't keep us from shingling our roof this year! It doesn't matter, I am just glad that he is ok!...
VIKINGS WIN!!!! - Frerotte about it!
Finally, we had a great time at Sr. High Youth Group last night. There were several new faces there, which is always great! I am really excited about our Sunday Nights! Its going to be a lot different than the middle school night. Both of them have their unique advantages. I am just excited to be able to hang out with so many students. The highlight of the night was Luke puking up the red onion! NICE! Oh yeah, and our Sr. Highers started playing 4 square afterwords. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? That is an elementarty game!

Told you it was random.


Josh Mann said...

totally NOT worthless, nice man...and four-square, that thing won't die! A roll of duct tape and a ball and you've got hours of entertainment, i kind of still like it myself, way to go dude!