t-shirts half off (don't worry, I am fully dressed)

randomshirts.com is having their biggest sale ever. EVERYTHING is 1/2 off! I love their stuff! I have bought several shirts there for myself as well as for gifts. Go and check it out. They have some very funny shirts. And no, I am not getting any money for this commercial. Just wanted to share the info on a great sale.

Let me know if you get anything.


Shannon said...

Those shirts are funny. I like the "wash hands...get bacon" one and the "I want my rib back" shirt. I am checking them out to see if we could get some that would be good for our floor hockey team.

Folkestad said...

nice! They are great shirts. I have the Dislexia one, the "Trees, the real cause of forest fires" and have gotten a couple for Katie as well.

Good to hear from you