Living with Hope?

Caden has just discovered the joy of looking through the Fleet Farm toy catalog (no thanks to his grandma! :)) He cracks me up!  Everything that he see, he wants!  "Daddy, can I have this now?"  It reminds me of when I was growing up, looking through the toy catalog.  I'd circle the things that I wanted, which ended up to be about everything.
Remember when you'd find something that you really wanted?  If you were like me, I'd tear it out of the catalog and keep it with me.  Maybe you taped it to your wall, or above your bed.  Maybe you kept it in your pocket, of had it in your locker at school.  Whatever the case, you would keep looking at it, waiting for the day that it would finally be yours!
Maybe, you really got excited and you prepared to receive it.  You know what I am talking about... you cleared room for it in your bedroom, you got rid of other things to make room, etc.  You get the pitcure.

In Romans 8:24-25 Paul tells us we should be looking forward to, and anticipating our eternity with Christ the same way.  We must live with the HOPE that we are given through Jesus Christ.  If you read in the verses before, it talks about the FUTURE GLORY that will be ours.

* Do you have this HOPE of FUTURE GLORY that is described in these verses?
* Do you look forward to this FUTURE GLORY with anticipation?  Fear?
* How can we live with this HOPE when things are so bleak?

Remember the HOPE that is described in these verses isn't the same hope that you have in wishing you would receive the latest and greatest gift.  As Christians, it isn't IF we will receive the gift, we know we will... Its the HOPE that we have for that day.  We aren't hoping FOR the gift... we live with hope BECAUSE of the gift.

What have you been learning from the Bible today?  This week?  Share it!